We believe the most important problems are better solved together. Our purpose means working with others to help address the biggest issues facing the world in a way that builds trust. For our people, this means connecting people, businesses and technology across capital markets, tax systems or the economic systems within which business and society exist, every day.
As an Associate, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution. PwC Professional skills and responsibilities for this management level include but are not limited to:
- Invite and give in the moment feedback in a constructive manner.
- Share and collaborate effectively with others.
- Identify and make suggestions for improvements when problems and/or opportunities arise.
- Handle, manipulate and analyse data and information responsibly.
- Follow risk management and compliance procedures.
- Keep up-to-date with developments in area of specialism.
- Communicate confidently in a clear, concise and articulate manner - verbally and in the materials I produce.
- Build and maintain an internal and external network.
- Seek opportunities to learn about how PwC works as a global network of firms.
- Uphold the firm's code of ethics and business conduct.
• You will play an integral role in PwC’s core assurance/DAT services provided to clients.
• Understand the process workflow related to work requests from initiation through completion, understand how workflow is managed within the firm's workflow management tool, understand optimal
and required manner in which to document results of work performed.
• Participate in a wide range of projects and collaborate across multiple work streams or teams; consistently demonstrating creative thinking, individual initiative and timely completion of assigned work.
• Consistently demonstrate teamwork dynamics by working as a team member: understand personal and team roles; contribute to a positive working environment by building solid relationships with team members; and proactively seek guidance, clarification, and feedback.
• Serve as participant on communications with numerous engagement teams. You will have the opportunity to specialize in some of the following:
• Financial statement review procedures based on understanding of relationships between supporting documentation and financial statement documents in accordance with auditing standards.
• Initiate the third party confirmations, track responses, verify responses, agree confirmation balances with that provided by engagement team
• Prepare documents based on audit policy and standard templates, including information gathering and population of templates and documents.
Additional Responsibilities :-
• Perform work and provide related deliverables in accordance with DC User Guide instructions as applied to engagement teamwork request submissions
• Maintain working knowledge of DC User Guides
• Monitor time and manage deadlines