Nuziveedu Seeds Limited (NSL) is among the leading seed companies in India with R&D and breeding programs in 24 crops (9 field crops including Cotton, Maize, Rice, Pearl millet, Mustard, Sunflower, Wheat, Jute, Sorghum and Forage crops and 15 vegetable crops including Tomato, Okra, Chillies, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Sweet corn, Cucumber, Ridge gourd, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, Snake gourd, Watermelon, Pumpkin, Radish and Carrot). In addition to the above crops, NSL has recently initiated breeding programs in forage crops and a few more vegetable crops. NSL’s elaborate plant breeding programs are laid on the foundation of excellence in plant breeding for genetic improvement of crops to develop plant varieties with significant genetic gains. NSL’s R&D programs are supported by strong molecular biology and biotechnology system for not only fast tracking varietal development programs, but also to support quality assurance of seeds.
The products of R&D, viz., improved plant varieties (Varieties and hybrids) are evaluated comprehensively by the Product evaluation and Development teams and plant varieties suitable for specific agro-climatic conditions and agronomic requirements are identified for commercialization. The shortlisted products identified for commercialization are tested in farmer’s fields in the form of Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) and then launched in the market. NSL multiplies the seeds of promising varieties and hybrids through 25000+ growers in 8 States.
• Computation of inventory valuation and analysis on process loss percentages on plant and product wise
• Computing and analyse the COGS and Over Head costs on product and plant wise
• Calculate the Product cost on each SKU wise and compare it with budget and providing the reasons of variances
• Analysis of cost variance due to various factors like usage variance, change in procurement prices / production process / BoM etc. and Overhead variances and any abnormal expenses spend during the month
• Prepare various monthly MIS on Yield, Inventory, SKU wise COGS, Plant utilization, Reconciliation Statement
• Standard Cost run for materials whenever required.